Saturday 18 August 2012

It's all gone a bit wrong

It has, quite frankly, been a bit of a terrible week.  Usually my life is pretty awesome (that's not me showing off, this is fact).  However, this week:

1)  I worked on both of the bank holidays.  During a week which most of the rest of Italy have off.  GRR.  Loads of corporate work because Italy is unable to sort out its workload and plan properly.

2)  One of those days, I was going to work from home (not cool, but could be worse).  However, my computer decided that it was going to downwards-spiral itself into further oblivion and not allow me to work on Word without it crashing.  Every.  Two.  Minutes.

3)  The flat I was going to move to has fallen through because the landlord wanted a (completely non-market standard) lease of three years.  Forget that!

4)  As a result of the above, my financial situation is more unstable and I was thus unable to go to Liguria this weekend.  Also because of potential work.  Also because Jen and Jon (LOVELY LOVELY PEOPLE) went flat-hunting for me and I had to be by computer and phone.

5)  I finished my training contract and am thus no longer a trainee (am not a qualified solicitor until I get my practicing certificate).  Of course, this is a good thing, but it is also a terrifying thing.

6)  I just had a quite scary experience with my neighbour.  He rang my doorbell and introduced himself and invited me to his restaurant for a dinner/drinks and was not put off by my "oh but I just ate" (which was true) etc.  Given that this guy has seen me off my face drunk being brought home by my friends and called me "bellissima" and "dolce", I suspect he was after one thing.  Bit terrifying as he is a) quite a lot bigger than me and b) lives so close.  Ummm not interested.  I had to escape, by texting him (he got my number and didn't fall for my giving him the wrong number trick) and then escaping out of flat to other place.   10 Corso Como was closed (!) so I spent the evening in Armani Bamboo Bar, which does have phenomenal air conditioning.

So overall, not ideal!!!!  Still, it can only get better, right?

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