Sunday 14 October 2012

Last Post

I have been away from Italy and back in London for a good two weeks now.  Having taken my first real "chill out time" walk around Hyde Park in the autumn sunshine, and having spent my first two weeks back in the London office doing training, I'm ready to finish this blog.

Rome was... like the friend who you like but who tries a bit too hard to make you like them.  You know you should put more effort in, but they're exhausting and you can't be bothered to find the hidden parts.  I suspect that part of this was being in a language school, where everyone was on holiday/a tourist, as opposed to my time in Milan where I had a ready-made network due to work.  I did meet some people from the Rome office (who were lovely) and I suspect that if I'd been out there longer, I'd have seen them more.

Still, I spoke a lot of Italian and I think my level improved, which was the aim.  The people in the Rome office who I met, I never actually spoke English with (exception of one girl who was half English), which is somewhat of an achievement.

Said Italian has now deteriorated.  Merda.

London has, aside from nightmare flat situations and spending two weeks on various friends' floors/spare beds, been rather fun.  I know I out myself as a bit of a gimp here, but I'm actually looking forward to starting real work as a financial regulatory lawyer.  Terrifying, of course - the expectation is rather higher than being a trainee and there's no easy get-out after 3/6 months.  However, I've seen the team a couple of times at social events or team meetings and it is actually really nice to see them again.  This might also be tied with my general "make the best of whichever situation you find yourself in" attitude - it hit with departments and with cities.  To be aware of in the future.

Overall?  Milan, you rock.  I will miss my friends there, but I will go back to see them.

PS - the Italian for LHAS?  Probably FUS ("facciamo una seratona" - "let's have a big night out").

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