Sunday 20 May 2012

God Save The Brunch

Another weekend, another set of visitors.  This time, we welcomed to the Milanese fold young Jim and young Stewart, epic lads. 

The Lads arrived late on Friday night.  I, being a Lad myself, had been out for drinks with some colleagues on account of two closings in the department (and, of course, my job offer from Freshfields London).  Since everyone else there was Italian, Italian was the lingua of choice.  Obviously, I am not fluent, but things do seem to be approaching conversational at least... must learn how to ask questions better though.  But ultimately, I've been learning Italian for four months now, and I survived a bar trip with real live Italians, speaking in Italian.  I'm actually quite proud of myself.  Of course, I still have problems in most day-to-day settings, but I can see it improving.  YEY!!

Saturday midday ish was brunch at God Save The Food.  Top.  Think the Lads enjoyed it!  We got amazing juice, burgers, pancakes, yoghurt.  We wandered back to the flat, through the Navigli, past the Duomo (via Zara, obvs), and spent about an hour in the lovely Armani Caffe.  After a brief sejour at casa mia, we went back out to the Navigli/Zona Colonnes di San Lorenzo for dinner and drinks.

Sunday we mostly chilled out - brunch down the road,  wandering through a bit of Milan, views of the Duomo at the top of the Rinascente.

Excellent weekend, chaps.

Notable quotations:

-   "Check out Italian Rob!" (re a guy in Zara who looked like he could be the brother of a mutual friend)
-   "Koalas have chlamydia"
-   "My blood orange juice brings all the boys to the yard"

You can stop the girl's fashion blog...




Donuts from American Donuts

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