Tuesday 10 July 2012


In a week when there's been fascinating news such as the unfolding of the LIBOR rate-fixing, Andy Murray making it to the Wimbledon final (and well done lad) and, of course, my physics roots manifesting themselves as CERN fangirl when the Higgs Boson was announced, it seems somewhat trite to discuss what I've been up to.

However, onwards we must.  Work has picked up, I'm doing a lot of translations for client BD, as well as some actual transactional work.  Transactional work makes me anxious and ill, so it is probably better that I'm not qualifying into a transactional team.  The closing seems to be actually happening, however, so I will sort of be on standby tomorrow.

Other than that, life continues.  I went to the sales with a couple of friends.  Fun, but I only bought a scarf.  Admittedly, an Alexander McQueen froth sull scarf in black and grey, but nothing else. 

 Subtle skull - only visible when spreading out the scarf over large surface (i.e., orange bed).

If I have to cover my head in the Vatican, I will do so, but in a fairly irreverent way.  Atheism win.

My Italian seems to have picked up again, after a while in the doldrums.  It helps that I get to talk about "il bosone di Higgs" where all the language is THE SAME.  I'm hoping this high continues, such that on Friday, when we have a trainee dinner and social, I will not sound like a total 'tard.  After all, I've been here for nearly 4 months now.

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